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Research & Development

Real Time Tomography is pushing the envelope in real-time image processing and reconstruction. Real Time Tomography is collaborating with world-renowned academic and research institutions in developing advanced image reconstruction capabilities in digital x-ray and tomosynthesis.  Real Time Tomgraphy is co-investigator in a number of ground-breaking  studies.

University of Pennsylvannia

Real Time Tomography is conducting a research project in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania to develop methods of validating and optimizing digital breast tomosynthesis reconstruction using an anthropomorphic software breast phantom. 

National Co-ordinating Centre for the Physics of Mammography (NHS UK)

The National Co-ordinating Centre for the Physics of Mammography (NCCPM) is run on behalf of the NHS Breast Screening Programme (NHSBSP) by the Medical Physics Department of the Royal Surrey County Hospital. To optimise the adoption of new X-ray technology for detecting breast cancers and thereby to improve the early detection of breast cancers in the NHS Screening Programme. This is being done by measuring the impact of variations in the physical performance of imaging systems on cancer detection. Real and simulated images of cancers are presented to clinical staff in controlled experiments (observer studies). Models based on physical measurements on imaging systems are used to simulate breast images for 2D mammography and 3D mammography. The appearance of cancers in these images will also be simulated in order to measure the performance of radiologists in detecting cancers when different imaging approaches are employed.

Idaho National Laboratory

Real Time Tomography is working with the Idaho National Laboratory in neutron radiography and tomography. The goal of this project is use Real Time Tomography's imaging technology to visualize the internal features of nuclear fuel elements and assemblies for assess structural integrity.

University of North Carolina

Real Time Tomography is collaborating with the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, on the development of a carbon nanotube-based stationary digital breast tomosynthesis system.  The goal of this project is to determine an optimal imaging geometry and reconstruction using the stationary carbon nanotube sources.

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